23002: Message Redaction Incompatible Configuration: Short code "STOP" filtering


Phone Number Redaction is enabled for your account. Twilio's default opt-out keyword handling ("SMS STOP filtering") is not compatible with Phone Number Redaction and should be disabled.

  • Twilio is currently set to handle opt-out keywords for short code numbers on your account. Twilio's opt-out handling requires Twilio to save non-redacted phone numbers of users who have opted out, and is incompatible with Phone Number Redaction.
  • To resolve this issue, your application needs to be able to handle opt-out keyword messages(link takes you to an external page) from end users.
  • Users who reply STOP, STOPALL, UNSUBSCRIBE, CANCEL, END, or QUIT should be added to a blocklist in your application to ensure you do not send them any further messages, unless they opt-in again.
  • Users who reply HELP or INFO should be sent an informational message about your application or service.
  • Users who reply START, YES, or UNSTOP should be removed from your "STOP" blocklist so they can receive messages from you again.
  • Once you are ready to disable Twilio's built-in opt-out handling and process the above keywords in your own application, please reach out to Twilio Support through the Console(link takes you to an external page) or Help Center(link takes you to an external page) to disable Twilio's built-in opt-out keyword handling for your account.