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30477: Toll Free verification rejection - Opt-in - Third party information sharing not allowed

ERROR: 30477

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The Toll-Free phone number verification submission has been reviewed and it was rejected.Effective Jan 31st, 2024, messaging traffic on this Toll-Free number is blocked until it's verified.

Verification is one component of ensuring A2P SMS is used by businesses in a legal and compliant manner. The review process looks at the business sending messaging (not the software powering it), the use case, sample content, the web presence, the opt-in/consent collected and associated website terms and privacy policies.

Possible Causes

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The Terms of Service or Privacy Policy on the business's website indicates that Opt-in is shared with third parties, affiliates, partners, etc. Any business with a terms of service or privacy policy that mentions sharing or selling consumer opt-in data is considered noncompliant. Consent cannot be bought, sold, shared, transferred, or exchanged.

Revise your processes to not share or sell consumer data/opt-in information with anyone. Revise your Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to remove all third party opt-in sharing language. If you have a "reasons we can share your personal information matrix" in your privacy policy that is not modifiable, adding a note below it that Messaging opt-in consent will not be shared is acceptable. Once complete and live on the business website, resubmit the toll free verification.


CTIA guidelines(link takes you to an external page)

Consent/Opt-In(link takes you to an external page) in Twilio's Messaging Policy(link takes you to an external page)

Why was my Toll Free Verification Rejected?(link takes you to an external page)

Required information for Toll-free verification(link takes you to an external page)

Toll-Free best practices(link takes you to an external page)