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30474: Toll Free verification rejection - Need end business

ERROR: 30474

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The Toll-Free phone number verification submission has been reviewed and it was rejected.Effective Jan 31st, 2024, messaging traffic on this Toll-Free number is blocked until it's verified.

Verification is one component of ensuring A2P SMS is used by businesses in a legal and compliant manner. The review process looks at the business sending messaging (not the software powering it), the use case, sample content, the web presence, the opt-in/consent collected and associated website terms and privacy policies.

Possible Causes

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The toll-free phone number cannot be verified because the ISV information was submitted instead of the end business. For ISVs or systems & software powering SMS: If your software enables other businesses to send SMS/MMS to their customers, it's expected that the information provided represents the end-business (your customer) that is engaging with the opted-in consumer, since they have the relationship with the end consumer (the receiver of the messages).

When you submit a Verification, you need to collect and disclose the information of the business. As a best practice, this should become part of your onboarding process and customer education. Note that there is no trial experience supported on toll-free phone numbers within the industry, so if you have a trial product that includes SMS/MMS, you must collect for a full verification to send messages.

Submissions that are missing information for the end-business, or are populated with ISV/aggregator information may be rejected. Exceptions may apply when the use case clearly showcases that the ISV manages opt-in mechanisms and is the sole message content creator.

Note: If you are an ISV, prior to submitting a Toll-Free Verification request with Twilio, you will need to create a TrustHub primary Customer Profile for your business within your parent account and get it approved. A primary customer profile must have the business identity set to ISV, and then submitted and approved before registering end businesses. For step-by-step guidance, see Create a Primary Customer Profile.

Re-submit the toll-free verification with your end-business's information (address, website, etc)


Toll-free verification for ISVs(link takes you to an external page)

Why was my Toll Free Verification Rejected?(link takes you to an external page)

Required information for Toll-free verification(link takes you to an external page)

Toll-Free best practices(link takes you to an external page)

Twilio's Messaging Policy(link takes you to an external page)