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Agent Copilot: enable additional languages for wrap-up notes (Public Beta)


Public Beta

Agent Copilot is currently available as a Public Beta product and the information contained in this document is subject to change. This means that some features are not yet implemented and others may be changed before the product is declared as Generally Available. Public Beta products are not covered by a SLA.


Not a HIPAA Eligible Service or PCI Compliant

Agent Copilot is not a HIPAA Eligible Service or PCI compliant and should not be used in Flex workflows that are subject to HIPAA or PCI. However, we offer mitigation tools such as PII redaction. To learn more, see AI data use.


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By default, Agent Copilot detects English (US). If conversations in your contact center happen in other languages, you can enable additional languages to generate wrap-up notes in those languages.

Enabling additional languages allows you to:

  • Generate the summary and sentiment in the language your agents and customers use.
  • Use language nuances to correctly determine the customer's sentiment.
  • Integrate non-English wrap-up notes with your application via webhook.

Enabling additional languages does not impact Flex UI strings. If you want Flex UI strings to be localized to your agent's language, consider using a localization plugin(link takes you to an external page), or reach out to your Twilio support team to learn about more options.

Enable additional languages

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  1. In Twilio Console(link takes you to an external page), go to Flex > AI features > Agent Copilot.
  2. Under Wrap-up notes , click Manage auto-generation service.
  3. Under Language, select Enable additional languages.
  4. Select your additional languages.
  5. Click Save auto-generation settings.

Wrap-up notes in Portuguese for sentiment and summary

During wrap-up, agents see sentiment and summary in the detected language. The disposition code remains in the language it was written in. Note Twilio recommends keeping disposition codes in one language to prevent duplication and keep reporting consistent.

Saved wrap-up notes will also show in the customer's history, if you've enabled Unified Profiles. If notes were completed in Portuguese, for example, those Portuguese notes show in the history tab.

Conversations in more than one language

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If a conversation includes multiple languages, then wrap-up notes generate in the predominant language. This setting is not configurable.

Unsupported and unselected languages

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If Agent Copilot detects an unselected or unsupported language, then wrap-up notes still generate, but with inconsistency and reduced accuracy.

If you're using a webhook

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Webhook notes are stored in their detected languages and are not converted to one language. If you want all notes in one language, consider using translation software.