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Marketplace API overview for users

The Marketplace API provides resources for users to browse, install, and manage Listings. Listing Partners can use Marketplace API resources to retrieve and update Listings, and to manually report customer usage.

Base URL

base-url page anchor

All relative URLs in the Marketplace API reference documentation use the following base URL:

The API is served over HTTPS. To ensure data privacy, unencrypted HTTP isn't supported. All responses are in JSON format.

The Marketplace API uses the same HTTP Basic Authentication as other Twilio APIs. Use your Twilio account SID as your username and your Auth Token as your password.

The following table lists some common scenarios along with associated HTTP response codes, Twilio Debugger notifications, and messages that the Marketplace API returns.

HTTP response codeDebugger notificationDescription
404WarningThe Add-on isn't installed on the customer account or no Listing is found with the Installation SID.
403WarningThe Account Sid in the API request doesn't match with the Partner Account Sid attached to the Add-on.
403WarningThe Add-on isn't set up to accept Manual Usage Reporting.
403WarningThe Add-on isn't in one of the Marketing Preview, Private Beta, or Active state.
400WarningQuantity is either null, empty, or 0.
500ErrorError received while generating a billing event.
202N/AThe request is successful, and a billing event is generated.

The Marketplace API comprises the following resources for Marketplace Listing users:

AvailableAddOnsGet the details of a specific Listing or view a list of all available Listings.
AvailableAddOn ExtensionsGet an Extension or view a list of Extensions associated with an Available Add-on Listing.
InstalledAddOnsInstall, configure, and manage installed Add-on Listings for an Account.
InstalledAddOns ExtensionsGet an Extension, view a list of Extensions, or update an Extension associated with an Installed Add-on Listing.
Recording AddOnResultsGet a Result, view a list of Results, or delete Results associated with a specific Recording.
Recording AddOnResults PayloadsGet a Payload, view a list of Payloads, or delete Payloads associated with a specific Recording Add-on Result.
Recording AddOnResults Payloads DataGet or the Data associated with a specific Recording Add-on Result Payload.
IncomingPhoneNumber AssignedAddOnsGet or list AddOns assigned to a phone number. Assign or unassign AddOns for a phone number.
IncomingPhoneNumber AssignedAddOns ExtensionsGet an Extension or view a list of Extensions associated with an assigned Add-on Listing of a Twilio phone number.