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Mail Send API Overview

The Mail Send endpoint provides a powerful and intuitive interface for sending email.

The endpoint accepts a JSON object that specifies the details of the email(s) to be sent. This includes not only the basic elements like the sender, recipient, subject, and content, but also more advanced features like personalizations, attachments, and dynamic templates.

Base URL

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SendGrid's v3 Web API uses for global users and subusers and for regional subusers in the EU.

Authentication and authorization

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The Mail Send API uses standard Twilio Sendgrid API Keys for authentication and authorization.

If you are new to Twilio SendGrid API keys, see the API key docs to create an API key.

The Twilio SendGrid v3 APIs expect the key to be passed as a Bearer Token in an Authorization header. See How to Use the SendGrid v3 API for instructions.

General Mail Send concepts and usage

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Schedule a send

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If you have the flexibility, it's best to schedule mail for off-peak times. Most emails are scheduled and sent at the top of the hour or half hour.

Scheduling email to avoid peak times, for example, scheduling at 10:53 rather than 11:00, can result in lower deferral rates due to the reduced traffic during off-peak times.

Dynamic Templates and Handlebars

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In addition to passing plain text or raw HTML to SendGrid to construct your messages, you can make use of our Dynamic Templates. See How to Send an Email with Dynamic Templates(link takes you to an external page) for more information about adding templates and dynamic data to your emails.

Mail body compression is available to some high volume accounts. Mail body compression works by setting up a JSON payload as defined in the Mail Send endpoint reference, then compressing it with gzip (the gzip file can be no more than 30mb).



Gzip will take the JSON payload and compresses it into a gzip file. This means that anything in the JSON payload including the attachments will be compressed. The compressed data must also be less than the 30MB maximum for the email with headers, body, and attachments.

Use mail body compression

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  1. Submit a request to support(link takes you to an external page) to have gzip enabled on your account.
  2. Once gzip is enabled, add a Content-Encoding header, with a value of gzip.
    1. Content-Encoding: gzip
  3. Send the gzip as a data-binary.
    1. --data-binary '@data.json.gz'

Multiple Reply-To Emails

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Using reply_to_list allows senders to include more than one recipient's email address to receive reply messages from the recipient of the email.

  • The reply_to and reply_to_list properties are mutually exclusive. If both are used, the API call will be rejected.
  • The reply_to_list object, when used, must have at least an email property and may also contain a name property.
  • Each email address in the reply_to_list should be unique.
  • There is a limit of 1,000 reply_to_list emails per Mail Send request.
  • In SMTP calls, we will omit any invalid emails.

There are several rate limitations and restrictions that you should be aware of when using the v3 Mail Send endpoint.

  • The total size of your email, including attachments, must be less than 30MB.
  • The total number of recipients must be no more than 1,000. This includes all recipients defined within the to, cc, and bcc parameters, across each object that you include in the personalizations array.
  • The total length of custom arguments must be less than 10,000 bytes.
  • Unicode encoding is not supported for the from field.

For more specific, parameter-level requirements and limitations, please refer to the Mail Send endpoint documentation.

Whenever you make a request to the v3 Mail Send endpoint, your JSON payload is validated before your email is sent. If there are any errors, SendGrid will attempt to identify and return as many issues as possible for each request. For more information, please read our error documentation.

For a more full-featured guide to ensure you build your email program atop a solid foundation, see our Email API Onboarding guide.

Jump to an email quickstart in your programming language of choice for a full guide on how to implement the Mail Send API.

Helper libraries and tools

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See our open-source helper libraries and tools to integrate with SendGrid quickly.

See the rest of our API reference for more information on how to use the SendGrid v3 Web API's additional features and endpoints.