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Call Insights API Overview

The Call Insights REST API of Voice Insights provides programmatic access to call summaries, call metrics and call quality related events for use in your own applications and tools. Subject to regional availability, you can also use it for call annotations to capture subjective call experience details.

In order to use the resources in this REST API, Advanced Features has to be activated. You can use the Voice Insights Settings Resource for programmatic activation or perform it manually in Console.

Base URL

base-url page anchor

Call Insights data is available under the following base URL. The REST API is served over HTTPS; unencrypted HTTP is not supported.

HTTP requests to the REST API are protected with HTTP Basic authentication(link takes you to an external page). To learn more about how Twilio handles authentication, please refer to our security documentation. In short, you will use your Twilio account SID as the username and your auth token as the password for HTTP Basic authentication. You can find your account SID and auth token on the console home page.

curl -G[CALL SID]/Summary -u \

The following resources are available in the Call Insights REST API.

Call Summary Resource (single Call Summary)Get a call summary for a single call.
Call Summaries Resource (list of Call Summaries)Get a list of call summaries for multiple calls.
Call Events ResourceGet call progress and quality-related Voice SDK events data for a specific call.
Call Metrics ResourceGet quality-related metrics for a specific call.
Call Annotations ResourceAnnotate calls to provide subjective experience details. Get the annotations for a specific call.
Settings ResourceControl Voice Insights Advanced Features and Voice Trace status for an account.