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Voice Intelligence - Supported Languages

The table below shows the current language support for Voice Intelligence Transcriptions. The LanguageCode set in the Service configuration determines the Transcription language used for all call recordings processed by that Service. Transcriptions may utilize artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies.

PII redaction from transcripts is available for all supported Transcription languages. PII redaction from media recordings is only available in en-US. PII redaction utilizes artificial intelligence or machine learning technologies.

Custom Operators are available for all Transcription languages.

Prebuilt Operators support varies depending on the Transcription language and the Operator. For detailed information, refer to the Prebuilt Operator table.

Supported languageLanguage code
Danish - Denmarkda-DK
Dutch - Netherlandsnl-NL
English - Australiaen-AU
English - United Kingdomen-GB
English - United Statesen-US
French - Francefr-FR
German - Germanyde-DE
Italian - Italyit-IT
Norwegian - Norwayno-NO
Polish - Polandpl-PL
Portuguese - Brazilpt-BR
Portuguese - Portugalpt-PT
Spanish - Mexicoes-MX
Spanish - Spaines-ES
Spanish - United Stateses-US
Swedish - Swedensv-SE