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Network Functions


Microvisor Public Beta

Microvisor is in a pre-release phase and the information contained in this document is subject to change. Some features referenced below may not be fully available until Microvisor's General Availability (GA) release.

Microvisor system calls currently include the following functions to manage the application's access to the Internet:

Network and connection management

network-and-connection-management page anchor

Data transfer channel management

data-transfer-channel-management page anchor

Return values and errors

return-values-and-errors page anchor

All of the functions described below return a 32-bit integer that is one of the values from the standard Microvisor enumeration MvStatus. All possible error values for a given system call are provided with each function's description.

Success is always signaled by a return value of zero (MV_STATUS_OKAY).

Ask Microvisor to establish a primary network connection


declaration page anchor
extern enum MvStatus mvRequestNetwork(const struct MvRequestNetworkParams *params,
MvNetworkHandle *handle);
paramsA pointer to non-secure memory in which network configuration data is stored by the application
handleA pointer to non-secure memory into which the network handle will be written by Microvisor
Error ValueDescription
MV_STATUS_PARAMETERFAULTparams or handle does not reference memory accessible to the application; the number of handles already assigned is at maximum; or one of the properties of params is incorrect — see below
MV_STATUS_UNSUPPORTEDSTRUCTUREVERSIONThe version of the params structure is not supported by Microvisor

This call, if successful, may subsequently yield any of the following notifications.

Notification Event TypeDescription
MV_EVENTTYPE_NETWORKSTATUSCHANGEDIssued any time the network's status has changed. Applications should call mvGetNetworkStatus() to determine what has changed, but you should note that some changes may occur in rapid succession. Since network status values are not queued, a call to mvGetNetworkStatus() will obtain the instantaneous status at the time of the call, not a history of changes

An application can call this function at any time to request that Microvisor establishes a connection to the Internet. Once the connection is in place, the application can use the returned network handle to establish data channels for the transfer of information.

Microvisor will maintain no more than 128 concurrent network handles, and will return an error if you request a further handle without first calling mvReleaseNetwork() for an existing network handles.

The params parameter takes a pointer to a MvRequestNetworkParams structure:

struct MvRequestNetworkParams {
uint32_t version;
union {
struct {
MvNotificationHandle notification_handle;
uint32_t notification_tag;
} v1;

These properties are:

  • version — The system calls version. This should always be 1.
  • notification_handle — The handle of the notification center you wish to dispatch notifications relating to the connection. The notification center must already have been instantiated. For more information, please see the Microvisor system calls overview and notification functions.
  • notification_tag — An arbitrary 32-bit value you can specify and which will then be included in all notifications relating to this connection. For more information, please see the Microvisor System Calls overview.

Please see A Guide to Microvisor Networking for code samples.


mvgetnetworkstatus page anchor

Request the state of a specific network connection

extern enum MvStatus mvGetNetworkStatus(MvNetworkHandle handle,
enum MvNetworkStatus *status);
handleThe required network's handle
statusA pointer to non-secure memory into which the status value will be written by Microvisor
Error ValueDescription
MV_STATUS_PARAMETERFAULTstatus references memory not accessible to the application
MV_STATUS_INVALIDHANDLEhandle is invalid or does not identify an existing network connection

Call this function to get an indication of the network connection's current state. The value written to the memory referenced by status will be one of the following:

MV_NETWORKSTATUS_CONNECTED1The device is connected
MV_NETWORKSTATUS_CONNECTING2The device is connecting to the Internet

Please see A Guide to Microvisor Networking for code samples.

Relinquish access to a specified network connection

extern enum MvStatus mvReleaseNetwork(MvNetworkHandle *handle);
handleA pointer to non-secure memory in which the required network's handle is stored by the application
Error ValueDescription
MV_STATUS_PARAMETERFAULThandle references memory not accessible to the application
MV_STATUS_INVALIDHANDLEhandle is invalid or does not identify an existing network connection

An application can call this function at any time to relinquish access to a network connection that Microvisor has established for it. If the request is successful — the call does not return an error — then the network handle will be invalidated: Microvisor will zero the non-secure bytes in which the handle is stored. The network connection will be closed, i.e., the device disconnected, provided there are no other valid network handles in place and the connection is not in use by Microvisor.

Please see A Guide to Microvisor Networking for code samples.


mvgetnetworkreasons page anchor

Request information on the state of the Microvisor's network management system

extern enum MvStatus mvGetNetworkReasons(enum MvNetworkReason *reasons,
uint32_t *current_handle_count);
reasonsA pointer to non-secure memory into which the network reasons bitfield will be written by Microvisor
current_handle_countA pointer to non-secure memory into which the number of extant handles will be written by Microvisor
Error ValueDescription
MV_STATUS_PARAMETERFAULTreasons or current_handle_count references memory not accessible to the application

Call this function to receive a snapshot of the state of Microvisor's networking subsystem rather than that of a specific network connection (cf. mvGetNetworkStatus()). For instance, you can call mvGetNetworkReasons() at any time and even if the application has not yet initiated a connection by calling mvRequestNetwork().

The value written to the memory referenced by reasons will be a bitfield comprising any or all of the following flags:

MV_NETWORKREASON_NOTCONNECTING0x0000There are no pending connection attempts and connections not being prevented
MV_NETWORKREASON_USINGNETWORK0x0001The application is using the network
MV_NETWORKREASON_NEVERUSEDNETWORKAPI0x0002The application has not yet made use of the networking system calls. This will remain set until the application makes its first call to mvRequestNetwork()
MV_NETWORKREASON_MINIMUMCHECKINEXPIRED0x0004Microvisor's minimum check-in period has expired
MV_NETWORKREASON_RTCNOTSET0x0008The device RTC has not yet been set
MV_NETWORKREASON_KERNELERROR0x0010A Microvisor error requires reporting
MV_NETWORKREASON_APPLICATIONERROR0x0020An application error requires reporting
MV_NETWORKREASON_COLDBOOTCONNECTION0x0040A connection was needed on cold boot in order to apply updates
MV_NETWORKREASON_FETCHINGUPDATE0x0080An update is being fetched in the background
MV_NETWORKREASON_DEBUGGERATTACHED0x0100A debugging session is attached to the device
MV_NETWORKREASON_NOAPPLICATIONCODE0x0200No application code is present on the device
MV_NETWORKREASON_ENHANCECALM0x8000Microvisor has been instructed by the server to make no further connection attempts for a time

The value written to current_handle_count will be the number of network handles Microvisor is currently maintaining, ie., from 0 to 128 inclusive.

Please see A Guide to Microvisor Networking for code samples.

Ask Microvisor to open a data transfer channel

extern enum MvStatus mvOpenChannel(const struct MvOpenChannelParams *params,
MvChannelHandle *handle);
paramsA pointer to non-secure memory in which channel configuration data is stored by the application
handleA pointer to non-secure memory into which the channel handle will be written by Microvisor
Error ValueDescription
MV_STATUS_PARAMETERFAULThandle, params or a pointer in params references memory not accessible to the application
MV_STATUS_INVALIDHANDLEThe value of notification_handle or network_handle in params is not a valid notification center handle
MV_STATUS_INVALIDBUFFERSIZEThe value of send_buffer and/or receive_buffer buffer in params is mis-sized according to channel type
MV_STATUS_INVALIDBUFFERALIGNMENTThe value of send_buffer and/or receive_buffer buffer in params is not suitably aligned according to channel type
MV_STATUS_UNKNOWNCHANNELTYPEThe specified value of channel_type in params isn't recognized
MV_STATUS_UNKNOWNENDPOINTThe value of endpoint in params isn't recognized
MV_STATUS_NETWORKNOTCONNECTEDThe network specified by network_handle in params isn't in the MV_NETWORKSTATUS_CONNECTED state
MV_STATUS_TOOMANYCHANNELSOpening this channel would exceed the number of simultaneously open channels

This call, if successful, may subsequently yield any of the following notifications.

Notification Event TypeDescription
MV_EVENTTYPE_CHANNELDATAREADABLEIssued when data has been received by Microvisor and written to the channel's receive buffer. Microvisor will dispatch a further MV_EVENTTYPE_CHANNELDATAREADABLE notification every time mvReadChannel() is called and not all of the remaining data was read
MV_EVENTTYPE_CHANNELDATAWRITESPACEIssued when the amount of free space in the buffer increases. The application may use this as a signal to send more data, or to wait for data to be fully sent before closing the channel
MV_EVENTTYPE_CHANNELNOTCONNECTEDIssued when the channel's line of communication is broken unintentionally, including by a call to mvReleaseNetwork() on the open channel's host network. Data written to the RX buffer is still available and can be read, but the application will receive an error if it attempts to write to the TX buffer after receiving this notification. Instead, the application should read any remaining data and call mvCloseChannel() to explicitly invalidate the channel handle

The application makes use of channels to transfer data over a network connection established by Microvisor. Think of the network as the transport layer and a channel as a data-exchange protocol operating via that transport. The network must be connected for the channel to be opened. Up to four channels can be opened at any one time on a given network connection.

Channels are bi-directional and maintain flow control: if you don't read incoming data, the receive buffer will fill, and no more incoming data will be accepted until space is made for it.

The channel will be available to write to and read from as soon as mvOpenChannel() returns no error, but that doesn't mean that the target is ready or has accepted the channel — your code will need to ensure it can communicate before attempting to do so.

You configure the channel by providing a pointer to a MvOpenChannelParams structure:

struct MvOpenChannelParams {
uint32_t version;
union {
struct {
MvNotificationHandle notification_handle;
uint32_t notification_tag;
MvNetworkHandle network_handle;
uint8_t *receive_buffer;
uint32_t receive_buffer_len;
uint8_t *send_buffer;
uint32_t send_buffer_len;
enum MvChannelType channel_type;
struct MvSizedString endpoint;
} v1;

These properties are:

  • version — The system calls version. This should always be 1.
  • notification_handle — The handle of the notification center you wish to dispatch notifications relating to the channel. The notification center must already have been instantiated. For more information, please see the Microvisor system calls overview
  • notification_tag — An arbitrary 32-bit value you can specify and which will then be included with all notifications relating to this channel. For more information, please see the Microvisor system calls overview.
  • network_handle — A pointer to non-secure memory in which the host network's handle is stored by the application.
  • receive_buffer, send_buffer — Pointers to RX and TX buffers — see below.
  • receive_buffer_len, send_buffer_len — The size of the RX and TX buffers — see below.
  • channel_type — The protocol to be used — see below.
  • endpoint — A data structure comprising an endpoint identifier for cloud configuration in bytes and the number of bytes — see below.

It is the responsibility of the application to provide memory for the channel's send and receive buffers. As with other Microvisor buffers, these are circular: Microvisor maintains a write pointer which is incremented as data is written but which will jump back to the start when the end of the backing store is reached.

For both the send and receive buffers, you specify their location in non-secure, i.e., application, memory and their sizes. Microvisor will write-protect the send buffers when the channel is opened. The send buffer must be a multiple of 512 bytes in size and its address must be 512-byte aligned. For example:

static volatile uint8_t http_rx_buffer[HTTP_RX_BUFFER_SIZE_B] __attribute__((aligned(512)));

The same is true of the receive buffer if you are working with HTTP channels. Beyond this limit, you're free to choose any size and non-secure location for the receive buffer, but you should ensure you have sufficient capacity for a response's headers and data. You will receive an MV_HTTPRESULT_RESPONSETOOLARGE error — via mvReadHttpResponseData() — if the received headers and data are too large for the buffer size you have chosen.

Once a channel is open, it isn't possible to resize the buffers or change their addresses. While buffers are in use, the application must not write to them or use their memory for other purposes. In fact, attempts to write to the send buffer will trigger an application crash. When the channel is closed, Microvisor zeroes the send buffer contents and removes the write protection.

Microvisor will support a number of channel types: protocols by which data can be exchanged with remote services. Currently, Microvisor supports only the transmission and reception of HTTP — channel type MV_CHANNELTYPE_HTTP. We expect to support MQTT transfers in due course.



The channel type MV_CHANNELTYPE_OPAQUEBYTES is now deprecated and should not be used. It is expected to be removed before Microvisor reaches General Availability (GA).

The endpoint property is expected to be used to specify the name of a cloud-stored configuration record. This configuration will indicate a channel's target end server and the credentials required to access that resource. This will be done to ensure that the application code need hold high-value credentials.

This functionality is not yet implemented.

Please see A Guide to Microvisor Networking for code samples.

Read a number of bytes from the channel's RX buffer



This call has been deprecated and should not be used. It is expected to be removed before Microvisor reaches General Availability (GA).

extern enum MvStatus mvReadChannel(MvChannelHandle handle,
uint8_t **read_pointer,
uint32_t *length);
handleThe specified channel's handle
read_pointerA pointer to non-secure memory into which Microvisor will write a pointer to the new data
lengthA pointer to non-secure memory in which the amount of data that can be read will be written by Microvisor
Error ValueDescription
MV_STATUS_PARAMETERFAULTlength does not reference memory accessible to the application
MV_STATUS_INVALIDHANDLEhandle is invalid or does not identify an existing channel
MV_STATUS_CHANNELCLOSEDThe specified channel has already been closed

When data has been received through a channel, Microvisor dispatches an MV_EVENTTYPE_CHANNELDATAREADABLE notification. The application can read the data now or later, but when it does so, it calls mvReadChannel() to learn how many bytes to read and where those bytes are located. This is done by setting read_pointer and writing the size to length.

The application doesn't need to read all the available data in one go. When it has read any of the data, or no longer requires it, it must call mvReadChannelComplete() to inform Microvisor that some bytes are now available to take fresh incoming data.

Please see A Guide to Microvisor Networking for code samples.


mvreadchannelcomplete page anchor

Inform Microvisor the application has read a number of bytes from the RX buffer



This call has been deprecated and should not be used. It is expected to be removed before Microvisor reaches General Availability (GA).

extern enum MvStatus mvReadChannelComplete(MvChannelHandle handle,
uint32_t consumed);
handleThe specified channel's handle
consumedThe number of buffer bytes processed by the application
Error ValueDescription
MV_STATUS_INVALIDHANDLEhandle is invalid or does not identify an existing channel
MV_STATUS_CHANNELCLOSEDThe specified channel has already been closed

When the application reads from a channel's RX buffer using mvReadChannel(), it should call mvReadChannelComplete() when it has finished reading. It specifies the number of bytes consumed, whether that's all of the received bytes or just some of them. This ensures that Microvisor knows how much space has been freed for further incoming data.

Please see A Guide to Microvisor Networking for code samples.

Write bytes to a channel's TX buffer



This call has been deprecated and should not be used. It is expected to be removed before Microvisor reaches General Availability (GA).

extern enum MvStatus mvWriteChannel(MvChannelHandle handle,
const uint8_t *data,
uint32_t length,
uint32_t *available);
handleThe specified channel's handle
dataA pointer to the data to be written to the buffer
lengthThe number of bytes to be written
availableA pointer to non-secure memory into which the number of free bytes in the buffer after the write operation will be written by Microvisor
Error ValueDescription
MV_STATUS_PARAMETERFAULTdata or available does not reference memory accessible to the application
MV_STATUS_INVALIDHANDLEhandle is invalid or does not identify an existing channel
MV_STATUS_INVALIDBUFFERSIZENo data was consumed because it does not all fit into the channel's send buffer
MV_STATUS_LATEFAULTwritten is not a valid pointer, but data has been written to the channel
MV_STATUS_CHANNELCLOSEDThe specified channel has already been closed

To write data to the channel's TX buffer, pass a pointer to the data and indicate its length. Microvisor will check that there is sufficient free space in the buffer. If there is, it will copy the data into the buffer and then write the number of free bytes remaining to the memory referenced by available.

If the buffer has insufficient space for the data, Microvisor will write the number of free bytes to the memory referenced by available and return an error. It does not copy any of the data to the buffer to allow the application to decide what action to take: to re-call mvWriteChannel() with sufficient data to fill the available space, for example.

To avoid this decision, applications can call mvWriteChannel() with length set to zero: this causes Microvisor just to return the buffer's count of available bytes. The application can use that value to fill or partially fill the free space in the buffer. Applications can flush the TX buffer by writing exactly the number of bytes needed to fill the buffer.

Please see A Guide to Microvisor Networking for code samples.


mvwritechannelstream page anchor

Write to a channel in streaming mode



This call has been deprecated and should not be used. It is expected to be removed before Microvisor reaches General Availability (GA).

extern enum MvStatus mvWriteChannelStream(MvChannelHandle handle,
const uint8_t *data,
uint32_t length,
uint32_t *written);
handleThe specified channel's handle
dataA pointer to the data to be written to the buffer
lengthThe number of bytes to be written
writtenA pointer to non-secure memory into which the number of bytes written will be output by Microvisor
Error ValueDescription
MV_STATUS_PARAMETERFAULTdata or writtem does not reference memory accessible to the application
MV_STATUS_INVALIDHANDLEhandle is invalid or does not identify an existing channel
MV_STATUS_LATEFAULTwritten is not a valid pointer, but data has been written to the channel
MV_STATUS_CHANNELCLOSEDThe specified channel has already been closed

mvWriteChannelStream() allows applications to treat the channel as a byte-oriented stream. In this case, it is not an error if Microvisor doesn't have space to write all or any of the data: it will just write what it can. The amount of data consumed by Microvisor is passed back to the application through the written pointer, allowing it to keep the stream fed.

Contrast this with mvWriteChannel(), which adopts a message-centric approach.

Please see A Guide to Microvisor Networking for code samples.

Instruct Microvisor to shut down a channel

extern enum MvStatus mvCloseChannel(MvChannelHandle *handle);
handleA pointer to non-secure memory in which the channel's handle is stored by the application
Error ValueDescription
MV_STATUS_PARAMETERFAULThandle does not reference memory accessible to the application
MV_STATUS_INVALIDHANDLEhandle is invalid or does not identify an existing channel
MV_STATUS_CHANNELCLOSEDThe specified channel has already been closed

When the application has finished with a channel, it can call mvCloseChannel() to end communication and free the resources used by it. Microvisor also zeroes the handle store and removes write protection from the send buffer. Once the call has returned — and only after the call has returned — the application can reallocate buffer memory as it sees fit.

Application crashes or restarts should be treated as implicit channel closures.

Please see A Guide to Microvisor Networking for code samples.


mvgetchannelclosurereason page anchor

Determine why a channel was closed

extern enum MvStatus mvGetChannelClosureReason(MvChannelHandle handle,
enum ClosureReason *reason);
handleThe specified channel's handle
reasonA pointer to the non-secure memory into which the channel closure reason code will be written by Microvisor
Error ValueDescription
MV_STATUS_PARAMETERFAULTreason does not reference memory accessible to the application
MV_STATUS_INVALIDHANDLEhandle is invalid or does not identify an existing channel

If the application receives an MV_EVENTTYPE_CHANNELNOTCONNECTED notification, it can call mvGetChannelClosureReason() to find out why the channel was closed. It should do so before mvCloseChannel() is called, or the channel's handle will be invalidated and made inaccessible. It is good practice to call mvCloseChannel() on unexpectedly closed channels in order to invalidate the handle and ensure the channel is not used inadvertently.

When mvGetChannelClosureReason() is called, Microvisor writes a reason code to the memory referenced by reason. It will be one of the following:

ConstantCode ValueDescription
MV_CLOSUREREASON_NONE0The channel is not closed, or the closure reason is not known
MV_CLOSUREREASON_CHANNELCLOSEDBYSERVER1The channel was closed by the server
MV_CLOSUREREASON_NETWORKDISCONNECTED3The channel was closed because the network was disconnected
MV_CLOSUREREASON_CONNECTIONTERMINATED4The connection to the server was terminated due to an error
MV_CLOSUREREASON_NOTYETOPEN5The application has not yet called mvOpenChannel() or the call failed
MV_CLOSUREREASON_CLOSEDBYAPPLICATION6The application has called mvCloseChannel()
MV_CLOSUREREASON_UNEXPECTEDLYTERMINATED7The channel was terminated, but the reason is unknown

Please see A Guide to Microvisor Networking for code samples.