Programmable Messaging | Feb. 22, 2023
Programmable SMS Geo Permissions - Risky Country User Acknowledgement
In an ongoing effort to raise awareness of the risk of SMS Traffic Pumping fraud, Twilio has added a popup asking customers to acknowledge the risk when opting to send SMS traffic to countries Twilio has identified a rise of SMS Traffic Pumping Fraud. Twilio will update this list from time to time.
What do I need to do?
We recommend review of the current geo-permissions on your account in Console.
(Support Article) Please take the following steps to protect your account from SMS Traffic Pumping Fraud:
- Log in to your Twilio Account and verify the traffic history on your account is legitimate in Messaging Insights.
- Take steps to protect your applications from abuse by following best practices in this SMS Traffic Pumping article, including turning off geo permissions for countries when not in use.