Flex Webchat 3.x.x is currently available as a public beta product and the information contained in this document is subject to change. This means that some features are not yet implemented and others may be changed before the product is declared as generally available. Public beta products are not covered by a Twilio SLA.
Webchat 3.x.x is not a HIPAA-eligible service and should not be used in workflows that are subject to HIPAA.
Flex Webchat is a chat widget that you can embed on your website. The widget helps your customers chat with an agent without leaving your webpage. It is natively integrated with Flex UI, built on Flex Conversations, and hosted by Twilio.
To set up Webchat 3.x.x, you create a deployment key, connect it to a messaging address, and then copy the Flex-generated embed code to your website. Webchat 3.x.x also includes enhanced security.
Webchat 3.x.x is available on Flex UI 2.0.x and later.
When an incoming message is sent to the chat channel, it triggers a Studio Flow. By default, this is the Chat Flow, which you can customize within Twilio Console.
You can try out webchat without building or deploying anything. In Console, navigate to Flex > Manage > Webchat. If you already have a deployment key, click Launch Demo to start a webchat. If you don't have a deployment key yet, create one, then click Launch Demo. Your chat appears in Flex UI as an incoming chat task. You can send and view messages as the agent and the customer to see how it works.
If you are starting out with webchat, begin with Webchat 3.x.x. It's an out-of-the-box solution that meets standard webchat needs for most customers.
Previously, Flex released two other webchat versions for Flex: