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Jun 01, 2021

GA Voice

Upcoming changes to <Dial> verb URL parameter behavior

On 1 July 2021 we will make a change to the list of TwiML verbs that are allowed to be returned in the url parameter of <Dial> nouns.

The TwiML <Number>, <Client>, <Queue>, and <Sip> nouns allow developers to provide a url parameter that will execute when the called party answers. The url parameter is typically used as a call screening option to <Play> or <Say> notifications to callers about the incoming call, or <Gather> is used to retrieve input from the called party before bridging the calls.

We are making a change to prohibit the execution of any <Dial> verbs returned by the noun url instruction. Returning a <Dial> verb in the noun url can result in costly call loops that result in significant billed usage on the account.

We are unaware of any valid use cases for this behavior, but we are publishing this changelog in the spirit of no shenanigans.

Jun 01, 2021

GA Voice

Upcoming changes to parameters passed to <Play> files during <Gather>

On 1 July 2021 Twilio will stop sending HTTP request parameters to <Play> files contained with a <Gather> using speech recognition.

For some call flows using <Gather> with speech recognition Twilio has been passing HTTP parameters when fetching <Play> files. This behavior was not deliberate and can cause issues with pre-signed URLs. An upcoming release will change this behavior and Twilio will no longer pass these parameters.

If your application has been designed in a manner that the HTTP parameters passed in the request to <Play> files is driving your application logic, you will need to update your code by 1 July 2021.

Jun 01, 2021


Fair Usage Policy Updates for new Flex Projects

Flex projects upgraded after June 1 will no longer include Autopilot usage as part of the Flex Fair Usage Policy, and Video usage will be covered as a "premium product" with limits outlined in our published policy. Existing, upgraded Flex projects will not be impacted by these changes.

May 28, 2021

GA Voice

Upcoming changes to column order in CSV output from call instance and list resource requests

On 1 July 2021 responses to API requests for CSV representation of an individual Call and Call List resources will change; specifically the order of the columns may be different.

The order of the columns in the CSV is not defined and may change when new fields are added to the API response. Your application design should be resilient to changes in the order of the columns in the CSV response.

See our docs for more information.

May 25, 2021

Beta Super SIM

Super SIM is now available for download as an eSIM profile

Twilio Super SIM® is available for download as an eSIM profile. Until now Super SIMs were available as physical SIMs in various form factors (2FF/3FF/4FF and MFF2). With the eSIM support, you can now reserve a SIM profile via a new API and then download the reserved SIM profile from Twilio’s SM-DP+ server to your eSIM/eUICC-enabled IoT device. Here is the typical call flow that you will use for downloading a Super SIM profile:

May 25, 2021

GA Marketing Campaigns

Support for undo and redo functionality in the Design and Code Editors

You can now undo or redo recent changes made in the Design and Code Editors. To undo an action, use the undo arrow in the top navigation above the editor, or use the Ctrl or Cmd + Z keyboard shortcut. To redo an action, use the redo arrow in the top navigation above the editor, or use the Ctrl or Cmd + Shift + Z keyboard shortcut. You cannot undo/redo changes once you have left the browser session.

May 24, 2021

GA Phone Numbers

Manage Phone Numbers’ Messaging Service assignment in Console

You can now manage a Phone Number’s Messaging Service assignment from the Phone Number’s configuration page in Console.

If a Messaging Service assignment is important to the success of your Phone Numbers’ messaging use-case (such as A2P messaging with US local 10-digit long codes) and if the Messaging Service is configured to defer SMS handling to the Phone Numbers' configuration: you can now assign a Messaging Service while also configuring the Phone Number to handle messaging with Flex, Studio, Functions or TwiML App.

You can determine whether the Messaging Service is handling or deferring message handling with the Phone Number from the Phone Numbers’ instance page in Console.

May 24, 2021

Beta Super SIM

Super SIM Connection Events on Event Stream

Super SIM Connection Events allow you to follow a Super SIM connected device’s journey from when Twilio first sees it trying to connect to our mobile core, to when it gets connected and starts to use data, to when it ends its data session. Once a device has successfully started a data session, update events will be published while the device stays connected to give you near real-time usage information for each Super SIM.

May 24, 2021

GA Voice

Programmable Voice Calls Per Second Changes

The Console UI for Programmable Voice calls per second settings has been updated to provide a similar user experience to Elastic SIP Trunking CPS. Additionally, the self-service limit has been increased from 15 to 30.

May 24, 2021


A new major version of Serverless Toolkit is now available

A major version release of @twilio-labs/plugin-serverless and twilio-run is now available. With this release, we are saying goodbye to .twilio-functions in exchange for two files that should hopefully serve you all better.

This release contains breaking changes that you can read about in the announcement blog post.

On top of bug fixes, new features, and improved experience, we now have a brand new Twilio CLI Plugin: @twilio-labs/plugin-assets. An easy way to upload public assets from your command line:

twilio plugins: install @twilio-labs/plugin-assets

twilio assets: init

twilio assets: upload YOUR_FILE_NAME

Behind the scenes, we also moved the entire project to a monorepo which should enable us to ship new improvements faster in the future.

As a reminder: this is a Twilio Labs project meaning this isn’t a formal “GA” launch and users are encouraged to file issues on our GitHub.

The Serverless Toolkit is a collection of tools to improve the development of Twilio Functions and Assets. Read the blog to learn more about what features we added in the latest major version of the Serverless Toolkit and what things changed.


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